ESPWA Documentary

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Education is a primary driver for economic and human development. Only 61 percent of the adult population in Haiti is literate.
We’re on a mission to change that! Here’s how:

  • Create Community Centers & Improved Infrastructure Through Schools

    Our schools in Mathone and Nordette are community centers where students and their family can access clean water and sanitation.

  • Provide Teacher Salaries, One Hot Meal a Day & Tuition to Every Student

    We want our students to focus
    on learning so we do what
    we can to ensure their other
    needs are taken care of.

  • Work With Community Partners

    Local leadership matters. By investing in Haitian community leaders, we empower local communities to develop local solutions and we work with them to create those solutions.

  • Create Cross-Cultural Experiences

    We learn more when we
    expand our horizons. By
    building relationships between
    communities in Haiti and the
    U.S., we double our impact.

We harness the power of music, education and infrastructure to break cycles of inequality, respond to community needs and inspire positive change in the world around us. Join Our Email List